Saturday, July 14, 2012

And It Was All Yellow…

Loving Yellow = “Life Is for Living and You Love to Live It Up”

Today I was out riding in typical Belgium weather that has the potential of making you just as miserable.  To fight those feelings I decided to look for all things yellow the last few minutes of my ride seeing that it is the colour that I love the most.  Within seconds I have identified several things yellow around me.  I did the same the first few minutes I got home.  We go through life focussing on the negative while the positive is almost always staring us right in the face. 

All things yellow while out training

All things yellow around the house

All things yellow inside the house

This got me reading about what is being said about your personality according to your favourite colour.  There is a lot written on this topic.  Whether this falls into the same category as horoscopes and psychic stuff or whether there is actually some psychological value I still found it interesting.  Check what is said about your personality here:

Born or bred for me it has always been yellow.  Growing up I had a yellow room (do not go and image something ugly because it was actually pretty stylish even back then), I always picked the yellow flavoured milk, had a yellow toothbrush and got presents wrapped in yellow.  Thank goodness I have not extended this to the colour of my car.  That would only be acceptable if you were driving a Lamborghini or a Team MTN Qhubeka team car.  I am still enjoying my yellow watch, yellow shoes and looking at my yellow SRM while out training.

Psychic or psychological this phrase could not be more true for describing the character traits of a person that loves yellow:  “Life is for living and you love to live it up”.  Even Laa-Laa, the yellow teletubbie, is described as being full of fun.

Good news for the Team MTN Qhubeka boys and their Tour de France dream as shades of golden yellow (which just so happen to be the colours of the Team MTN Qhubeka outfit) apparently carry the promise of a positive future…

The Tour de France also just happens to be all about the yellow
What can you find, as small a spotting something in your favourite colour, to brighten up your day?

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